Funding for KDBH Community Projects 2021 - 2022
February 2022 Newsletter
ALL the Neighbourhood CIL projects put forward by KDBH groups have been approved!
Another excellent outcome for our KDBH community that brings total benefits delivered through NCIL from the last two bidding rounds to well in excess of £100,000, even though the ‘Covid effect’ reduced overall funding available across the Borough this year as developers were allowed to defer community infrastructure levy payments. The Council received 12 bids (compared with 26 last time) six of which from KDBH!
Many congratulations to all four of our KDBH community groups whose bids were successful:
Installation of a disabled and wheelchair bound persons lift, St Philips Church and Community Centre - £20,507
Construction of car park, Dorridge Scout Group 2 - £7,500
Installation of basketball court in Knowle Park, Knowle Society - £12,000
Table and chairs replacement, Royal British Legion Knowle - £5,592.
We’re also pleased to say that the Council has taken on board our comments regarding the two Council-proposed projects, to clean and enhance the ponds at Bridge Meadow Drive and Jobs Close Park and that funding for these projects has been found from other Council budgets. Work at Bridge Meadow Drive pond has already been completed; Jobs Close pond is well underway.
18 October 2021
Time to Choose: Your Priorities for New Community Project Funding
It's that time of year again when we, as a community, get to choose how we would like to spend money that comes from a levy the Council collects on some new developments in KDBH. Over the summer, local groups have been preparing project proposals to bid for funding. This requires a not insubstantial commitment and investment of personal time for causes that benefit our community, so well done and a big 'thank you' to everyone involved.
There's been a delay in launching the residents' survey due to the need for us to clarify the position on two bids put forward by the Council that we were only made aware of after the closing date on 30 Sept, with no prior communication/consultation. Having assessed these against the Council's own bid qualification criteria, we are concerned that, in their current form, they do not meet the requirements for funding. Equally concerning is that, should both be approved by the Council, 3 of the 4 KDBH community-generated bids would not receive funding; and that, as a result, this could potentially create a perception that the Council is, in effect, 'marking its own homework'.
Needless to say, we're extremely disappointed that the hard work undertaken in collaboration with community groups, and as agreed with the Council, could all be for nothing. Our letter to the Council, along with their response, provides full details.
Please do take time to cast your eye over this to inform your vote.
Details on all bids are below, with a link also to a simple 'voting slip' enabling you to chose your preferred bid(s).
We will need to close voting by 5pm on Monday 1 November to enable us to analyse the results and get them back to the Council - the results will, of course, also be posted on our website.
3. Royal British Legion Knowle
Our bid is to purchase and install a selection of new tables and chairs to replace tired looking current furniture. The furniture items in our quotation are both durable and versatile to facilitate usage and functionality for the various groups using the building.
Bid: £5,592
5. Solihull MBC: Bridge Meadow Pond
The focus of the pond enhancement project is to deliver improved water quality which will enhance their wildlife potential. This will be approached in three ways:
1. Silt removal
2. Management of Bankside Trees and Shrubs:
3. Planting of native aquatic plants:
Bid: £31,506
May 2021
Start of 2021/22 Bidding Round for New Community Projects Funding
Solihull Council has opened the 2021/22 Neighbourhood Community Infrastructure Levy (NCIL) Bidding Round. Neighbourhood CIL (NCIL) is intended to help address the demands of new development in a local area, the good news being that, in our case, we receive an increased amount of funding (25% instead of 15%) to spend on community projects because we have an approved Neighbourhood Plan in place. Funding is distributed and spent at a local level to help smaller scale projects, providing a great opportunity for the KDBH community to access money to support local projects and initiatives in our Area. Read more about NCIL, what type of project qualifies, and which organisations can submit a bid Here and on the Council's website Here
We in the KDBH Forum are proud to have played a significant role in providing valuable advice and guidance to potential bidders, as well as working closely with Solihull Council, to ensure benefits available are maximised. In the past two years projects totalling over £96,000 have been successfully bid for in conjunction with the KDBH Neighbourhood Forum, including: Knowle Park Playground Improvement, Dorridge Village Hall extension, a circular path for Bentley Heath Park to mention only a few. Full details for each of the past two years Here and Here.
Over the past year, Covid has reduced the amount of local development, hence lower NCIL receipts. Even so, if you have a community project in mind it's well worth investigating the scheme to see whether you can submit a bid. The NCIL funds available for this bidding round are:
Dorridge & Bentley Heath - £39,040.06
Knowle - £20,499.61
This year's bidding round is open until 30 September 2021, with a final decision and awards made to the successful bidders in November 2021.
If you have a potential project in mind, please contact Roger Cook - or call 07926 266696 for an initial discussion - we are here to help.