business survey​
After our experience with the Residents' Survey, creating and running the Business Survey threw up a whole new set of challenges for the Forum team - not least of which trying to trace details of all businesses in our Area, from big corporates to sole traders. We found no single, up-to-date listing anywhere. To supplement our search of various data sources that were either incomplete or out of date, we placed the two adverts below on our website in the weeks running up to survey launch.
We are currently running a Business Survey to complement the Residents’ Survey which was carried out earlier
It has a similar format but with questions targeted at the business community
Copies have been hand delivered to all 326 home based and commercial businesses we have been able to identify
The feedback will assist us in creating a Neighbourhood Plan that will meet the needs of our business community
This is an opportunity to influence what businesses want for our villages and how they would like to see them develop over the next 15-20 years
The Survey closes on midnight Saturday 10th December so, if you run a business in KDBH and have not received your copy, please urgently contact steve.lyle@btinternet.com quoting your business name and address
There will be a Forum feedback meeting on the 11th January 2017​
The survey ran for a month from Wednesday 16 November 2016 to Friday 16 December 2016. This time we chose to distribute paper copies of the Survey and hand-delivered a questionnaire to all 332 known businesses (including self employed) in our Area - 228 in Knowle; 80 in Dorridge and 24 in Bentley Heath. Businesses did have the option to complete an on-line version, if they preferred.
Again, we used our independent expert to manage the input and analysis of the responses. We received 65 completed questionnaires (12 of which online) - a response rate of 19.6% which closely mirrors that of the Residents' Survey.