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neighbourhood plan update November 2023



In June 2023, the Forum commissioned Modicum Planning (in conjunction with Nupremis Cambridge Ltd) to carry out a focused update of the 2017 Housing Needs Assessment (prepared by AECOM as part of the evidence base for the 2019 Neighbourhood Plan (NP)). The consultant’s final report has now been issued.
The main purpose of the commission was to answer four specific questions relevant to preparation of an update of the Neighbourhood Plan.


These questions are:

  1. Having regard to the advice in PPG [Planning Practice Guidance] what provision should be made in the NP for First Homes?

  2. ​Is there still justification for a higher percentage of shared ownership? What should be an appropriate percentage Affordable Housing split (First Homes / social rented / shared ownership)?

  3. Is the local market housing mix of Policy H3 still appropriate? Is there any justification for the Council maintaining a high proportion of 1- and 2-bedroom units within the Knowle area?

  4. The forum wishes the local housing needs update to advise whether the supply of purpose-built accommodation for the elderly and for dementia care is now adequate to meet the area’s needs. What policy provision, if any, should be made to meet future provision in these categories?


These questions have now been answered in the form of a 2-part report. The first part (Focused Update 2023) specifically addresses the above questions. As an appendix, the second part (Demographic and Socio-Economic Review) provides background evidence. It paints a picture of the area in terms of its demography, housing and economic profile and includes a focus on the area’s older population and housing needs.


The consultant’s report provides the Forum with evidence sufficient to roll forward the update of the NP. The analysis also throws up other points of interest (for example, the reference, in the supporting appendix, to deprivation in the form of “geographical barriers” (areas remote from services)).
Detailed analysis of other aspects of the content and implications of the consultant’s work can follow.



The Forum has summarised the answers to the questions raised in a summary note.


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