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KDBH Neighbourhood Plan (NP) Finalised and Approved!!

We are incredibly pleased to say that we have agreed the final Plan content and wording with Solihull Council.  The finalised document was approved at the Managed Growth Decision Session on 22 January 2019.  A summary of SMBC decisions taken to finalise the Plan content/wording, as presented at January's Forum Meeting is Here.

Subsequently, following successful Referendum on 14 March (read more Here), the NP was officially 'made' at the Council's Cabinet meeting on 11 April 2019.

Click on the image to read or download a copy of the finalised Plan.

NP Front Page.jpg

The path to FinaLISIng the neighbourhood plan 

The Plan's journey to completion
The final consultation on the Plan, led by SMBC in May/June 2018, went well. However, the path to then completing the Plan was to prove far from straightforward due to concerns arising from Independent Examination. Click the images below to see the stages and key documents that marked each stage of the journey and ultimately took us over the 'finish line'.
Solihul Council Logo.jpg
Front Cover Facilitator Report Knowle No
Solihul Council Logo.jpg
Solihul Council Logo.jpg

May 2018

NP as submitted for final consultation 

June 2018

SMBC comments on Submission version of the NP

Sep 2018

Independent Examiner's (IE) report

Nov 2018

Facilitator's comments on IE report

22 Jan 2019

SMBC Decision Statement on IE recommendations

22 Jan 2019

Detail of SMBC changes to finalise the NP

key Documentation included in our supporting Evidence Base 

Residents' Survey

Business Survey

KDBH Local Housing Needs Assessment, undertaken by AECOM Infrastructure and Environment UK Ltd, that provides independent analysis of KDBH-specific needs.

KDBH Housing Density Map, NB this is a large file, please allow time for it to load

Heritage and Character Assessment Study, independent analysis by Urban Vision Enterprise CIC

Masterplanning/Design and Design Coding Study, independent analysis by Urban Vision Enterprise CIC

Knowle Ward Profile 2016, prepared by Solihull Council


Dorridge and Hockey Heath Ward Profile 2016, prepared by Solihull Council

Knowle, Dorridge and Bentley Heath Neighbourhood Forum CIO

Registered Charity No. 1190521

© Copyright KDBH-NF CIO


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