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YOUR Draft KDBH neighbourhood Plan- CONSULTATION

On 25 November 2017 we launched the KDBH Draft Neighbourhood Plan (the Plan) at a special Exhibition held at Arden Academy.  Over 470 people attended (we lost count after we ran out of questionnaire handouts!).  See photos from the Exhibition here.  


This marks the start of a period of consultation lasting through to midnight on 12 January 2018, during which time the KDBH community and other relevant consultees can review and provide their feedback on the Plan.   We encourage as many people as possible who live work or run a business in KDBH to read and comment on the Plan.  Your feedback could either be to confirm your support for the Plan contents, or to raise points that you wish us to consider in finalising the document for the next stage in the legal process we are required to follow.


There are various ways in which you can access information relating to the Plan, read or download the document in part or in whole, and provide your feedback:

  1. If you prefer things on paper, printed copies of the Plan are available to read in Knowle Library, along with a simple questionnaire that you can complete and drop into our orange feedback box.

  2. Our local Residents' Associations, the Knowle Society and the DDRA, have a few loan copies available that you can borrow for a few days.  Please contact Liz Hulse (KS) on 01564 773951 or Jeanine Plain-Jones at

  3. A number of attendees at the Exhibition asked whether they could get their own copy of the Plan.  Prontaprint in Knowle (opposite Arden Academy on the corner) have said that they will be happy to print out individual copies at a cost of £4.50 back and white or £8.50 colour.  Speak to Ruth.

  4. On-line users can access the information by clicking on the orange buttons below.

The posters used at our Exhibition provide summary extracts from the full Plan document in an easy-to-read, graphical format.    

The Draft Plan document gives full details on the background to creating the Plan and on all the policies.  

It is this document that will ultimately carry legal force - and therefore what we are seek your feedback on.  

We will update this draft as appropriate in the light of feedback received and pass the updated document to Solihull Council.  

We ask you to provide your feedback relating to each Section of the Draft Plan.  Doing it this way, although it may appear a bit 'clunky', will help enormously in enabling us to both respond more quickly to feedback and also manage the process of categorising and tracking feedback in the way we are required to do.  Thank you.

Knowle, Dorridge and Bentley Heath Neighbourhood Forum CIO

Registered Charity No. 1190521

© Copyright KDBH-NF CIO


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